Will FTTP ever replace Ethernet?
FTTP vs leased lines. Which is better and which is worse? Will FTTP really replace fibre leased lines? Let's explore! Fibre to the Premises Fibre to the Premises or FTTP has been around for some time. It's an access technology used all over the world, based on the ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector) G.984 (and it's amendments) standard, more commonly referred to as a technology as 'GPON' (Gigabit Passive Optical Network). FTTP marks the next step in network access for the home and business, decoupling the 100 year reliance on copper cabling for access to Internet services across the UK. Copper is used in the following methods of network access within the UK: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ( ADSL version 1, 2 and 2+) Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line ( VDSL version 1 and 2) - also called FTTC or Fibre to the Cabinet G.FAST (Probably the last standardised DSL technology that will be used in the UK, with ...